Make talent related decisions with confidence

Get onboard with a suite of innovative solutions to support your talent decision-making, facilitating optimized resource allocation, competitive insight, and compensation management.

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Trusted by experts and leaders
Labour market intelligence

Navigate labour market trends with confidence

Gain an inside view on job trends, compensation fluctuations, demographic analytics, and competitive intelligence. Empower your strategy with real-time, comprehensive labour market data, driven by robust AI and detailed data analytics.

Stay ahead of the curve with essential insights at your fingertips.

Talent Atlas

Maximize your talent potential with AI

Get unparalleled insights into your organization's talent landscape with the help of advanced AI and a vast pool of company-specific data.

Build and manage competency and job structures, bridge the skill gap and unlock your workforce's true potential in real time.

Real-time integration with 30+ HRIS
Compensation management

management - simplified

Enjoy convenient access to accurate compensation data and tools with our Compensation Management solution. With multiple sources of market data across any job and industry, we provide the tools you need to get pay right.

Ensure competitive compensation and gain an edge in talent acquisition and retention.

Words of praise

“I'd like to thank you for allowing us deliver something so powerful, eloquent and fast, allowing us to continue influencing decisions and end goals. It greatly appreciated, and showcased your value and why I'll continue to use Salary Board.”

Zlatan Filipovic Strategic Sourcing Lead | Equifax

We take security
and privacy seriously

We are fully committed to protecting your privacy as well as that of your employees. We know you are trusting us with your data, and we take that responsibility very seriously.


It's easy to get started

Create an account and get immediate access to labour market insights and easy-to-use tools

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